Business Parks/Warehouses

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Northwest Logistics Building 2

New 660,000 square foot warehouse facility in the northwest logistic center development.

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Prologis Park Tacoma

Three buildings totaling over 1,000,000 square feet with several tenant improvement projects throughout the development.

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Sumner 22

220,000 square foot facility in the south sound, with tenant improvements to the shell and within the warehouse.

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Tacoma I-5

73,000 square foot warehouse and several tenant improvements in the shell and within the warehouse space.

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AMB Valley Distribution Center

A new warehouse building of 750,000 square feet.

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Valley Avenue Corporate Park

A collection of five buildings totaling approximately 443,000 square feet.

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Prologis Seatac

Two tilt-up concrete buildings with hybrid steel/wood roof systems. Each building is approximately 700,000 square feet. The slab-on-grade was sloped 0.5% to allow for the site elevation changes to be minimized.

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Sumner Corporate Park

A collection of nine buildings; seven of which have been designed with five of those having been built. The buildings will total approximately 2,740,000 square feet..

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Riverfront Industrial Park

Building 'A' is 388,000 square feet and Building 'B' is 385,000 square feet.